The Pros of Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers have become one of the most popular cosmetic treatments on the market, especially for handling wrinkles, lines and even scars. But what are Dermal fillers, how do they work, and what benefits do they provide?

So, what are Dermal fillers?

Dermal fillers, also called Wrinkle and Soft tissue fillers, are implants which give the face a softer, fuller appearance.
As someone grows older, skin loses its elasticity while you will lose fat. The result is a loss of a sort of ‘youthful plumpness’ that can be found most noticeably in the face and hands. Dermal fillers simply counteract this by making the skin ‘plumper’.

Dermal fillers shouldn’t be confused with Botox, another popular treatment. Botox ‘freezes’ the muscles beneath the face to prevent excessive movements which create the lines. Dermal fillers on the other hand ‘plumps’ or ‘lifts’ the skin, replacing the ‘volume’ lost with age.

 Dermal fillers Treatment
Dermal fillers Treatment

Dermal filler implants vary and include a variety of substances and materials. Many of these are not only found in regular cosmetic products but are produced by the human body. For example, some use Hyaluronic acid – found in some of the body’s tissues and fluids, and which is commonly used in many skincare products. Others use a human compatible, transparent gel like Polyalkylimide, which is also used in plenty of skincare products.

All Dermal filler implants assist in dealing with the more troublesome signs of aging in the body – wrinkles and lines on the face. The treatment itself is fairly simple, with the filler solution injected beneath the skin with a very fine needle. When used by a professional, qualified practitioner, this can have superb results in softening the smoothing the skin.

Dermal filler can range from temporary to permanent – non absorbable fillers for example, are permanent whereas temporary fillers can last from six months to two years.

Dermal filler Procedure

Dermal filler treatment is simple. Unlike other cosmetic treatments, there are no incisions or cuts.

The face will be cleaned and might be given an anaesthetic although this is usually not necessary as the pain is the slight sting of the very fine and small needle. The doctor then injects the filler. Treatment can sometimes require multiple injections over the course of the session or multiple visits. Treatment is not just simple, but it is quick, and often lasts no longer than an hour.

So, now that we have an understanding of what Dermal filler is and how it works, what are the benefits of it?

The benefits: Helps with Plumpness, Lips and Scars

One of the biggest benefits of Dermal filler is that it has a wide variety of applications.

Most commonly dermal filler is used for smoothing out wrinkles related to age. These include the Nasolabial folds – the lines that run from the nose to the edges of our lips, and marionette lines – lines that run from the borders of the lips to the chin.

But beyond these fillers are exceptionally helpful in other areas. Dermal fillers can also help in ‘pumping up’ lips which have become too thin, especially at the edges, or helping the bottom lip. Fillers can even help in removing darkness under the eye lid.

Dermal fillers can also aid in the improvement or correction of scaring from a wide range of issues such as acne or chickenpox. While it is possible to normally disguise such scars, it is very hard to fully disguise them, and indeed the extensive prep required to hide scars. With Dermal fillers, recessed scars can be ‘filled in’, providing a much more natural and long lasting effect.

Fillers can also help with the correction of fat lose in the face caused by HIV. They can help to enhance those areas of the fact that been rendered ‘shallow’ by this process.

The benefits: A Natural looking effect

Dermal fillers don’t impact facial expressions in the same way treatments like Botox can, and ultimately provide a much more natural and youthful appearance in the long term. Dermal fillers, when provided by a qualified professional, can provide a subtle but superb effect. Unlike other forms of cosmetic surgery, there is no risk of producing an unnatural or jarring look.

The benefits: Immediate Results and few side effects

Dermal fillers can provide incredibly fast results; indeed, they are practically immediate. Depending on the extent of the treatment, recovery time takes no longer than 48 hours. The change in appearance is practically instant, which is a strong contrast to other means like anti-aging creams or surgery, which are extensive, intensive processes. Surgery in particular can require a great deal of aftercare.

In the hands of a qualified professional Dermal fillers have few side effects, and those that do occur are relatively limited and can be easily handled. These include bruising, redness and swelling, some pain, and in regard to injections into the back of the hand, might cause some difficulty in performing activities. These will rarely last any more than two days, and in the cases of bruising and redness, can be covered up with makeup.

The benefits: Safety

There’s a lot of questions over the safety of any cosmetic treatment, and Dermal fillers are no exception. Needless to say, Dermal fillers are widely regarded as one of the safest and most effective forms of cosmetic treatment when provided by a qualified professional. Many dermal fillers used by professionals are made from natural minerals or fluids in our bodies, such as hyaluronic acid, and aren’t the product of artificial lab work.
The risks associated with Dermal fillers (such as asymmetry or lumps) aren’t common and are usually found to be the result of poor or not training on the part of the person providing treatment.

This is one of the most important things to take into account when seeking cosmetic treatment; always make sure to use a trusted and experienced professional. Safety can only be guaranteed by proper practice, and there have been a slew of issues when practice is performed by non-professionals or through the use of non-approved products.